Don't Pay that Ticket. Call Greg Gouner and Fight the Charge. We have a 95% Success Rate in dismissing or reducing the charges.

Louisiana Traffic Ticket Attorney Greg Gouner Prepared to Fight for Your Case

Louisiana is aggressive with traffic enforcement. There are hundreds of law enforcement agencies and nearly as many court systems. However, in some jurisdictions, it is not uncommon to automatically dismiss or reduce traffic charges if a Louisiana traffic ticket attorney is involved. Attorney Greg Gouner represents people across the state of Louisiana on all kinds of traffic charges in every parish, city, and town with a 95% success rate having traffic ticket charges dismissed or reduced to a non-moving violation.

You Don’t Have to Suffer the Consequences

Getting convicted or pleading guilty to a traffic offense in Louisiana goes beyond the fine and inconvenience. Traffic tickets on your license can mean associated points that could cause a suspension by the DMV. Many traffic offenses carry a license suspension that can or must be imposed by the Court. Other offenses can include jail time.

Even if you are from out of state, the Louisiana DMV will report the citation to your home state with a guilty plea. We can save you the points on your license and help to try to keep your record clean. Our office can limit the consequences of the ticket or citation. We know the process and can get you the best result for your traffic citation. Most traffic tickets we handle are dismissed or amended without even a court appearance.

Legal Representation for Your Louisiana Traffic Ticket

There are dozens of potential ways to beat a speeding or traffic charge. If you do not want the ticket on your record, call our office to get help. We represent commercial (CDL) drivers and regular motorists in every LA Traffic Court for charges such as:

  • Speeding
  • Stop Sign
  • Red Light
  • Rolling Stop
  • Careless Operation
  • Reckless Operation
  • Inspection Sticker
  • Traffic Warrant
  • Failure to Yield
  • Seat Belt
  • Moving versus Non-moving
  • Driving Under Suspension
  • U-Turn
  • Improper Lane Usage
  • Improper Use of Handicap Spot

Schedule an Appointment with Our Louisiana Traffic Ticket Attorneys Today

If you do not want the ticket on your record, call our office to get help. We handle ticket cases across Louisiana. Payment plans are available. Our traffic ticket attorneys are so confident to help with your charge, there is no fee if we cannot get the result promised. Call today at 225-293-6200